
What We Do

Our Services

Developmental Connections focuses on developing, maintaining and expanding a variety of Residential, Vocational and/or Related Services that enhance community participation of Taney County residents who have a developmental disability.

(Each Service may have additional eligibility guidelines and be subject to available funds.)

Residential Services

Click to learn more about our residential services.

Day Services

Click to learn more about our day services.

Self-Directed Services

Click to learn more about our self-directed services.

Community Employment & Integration

Click to learn more about our community services.

Who We Can Help

Who Is Eligible

Adults having a diagnosed developmental disability meeting the following criteria. A developmental disability  which:

  1. Is attributable to mental illness, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, head injury, autism, or a learning disability related to a brain dysfunction, or any other mental or physical or mental impairment
  2. Occurs before age 22
  3. Is determined that disability is likely to continue indefinitely and
  4. Results in a substantial functional limitation in two or more of the following six areas of life activities: self care, receptive and expressive language development and use, learning, self-direction, capacity for independent living or economic self-sufficiency and mobility.

Once eligibility is determined, a Case Manager will be assigned to you through LinkAbility, Inc., to discuss available services.

Start Today

How To Get Started

  1. Obtain a medical diagnosis of the developmental disability in writing from a doctor.
  2. Contact the MO Division of Developmental Disabilities, Springfield Regional Office:
    1515 E. Pythian, Springfield, MO 65801
    Phone: 417-895-7400 Fax: 417-895-7412
  3. Once you are eligible through the MO Division of DD, you will be assigned a case manager through LinkAbility, Inc.
  4. Your LinkAbility Case Manager will work with you to find services that fit your needs, including those that are provided by Developmental Connections.

Get Started Today

If you believe you are elidgible for services, contact the Springfield Regional Office using the following contact information.

515 E. Pythian
PO Box 5030
Springfield, MO 65801
Phone: 417-895-7400
Fax: 417-895-7412

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